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Pre-agricultural societies had a naturally alkaline diet. Today, most people consume a diet that is poor in important minerals like potassium and magnesium and is full of saturated fats, simple sugars, sodium, and chloride. According to recent studies, this may induce cancer by creating metabolic acids that are asynchronous to our genetically determined nutritional requirements.

The human body and all its tissues are most optimum at around 7.2 pH. Otherwise, acidosis, a condition wherein the body becomes overly acidic, ensues. Many studies have shown that acute acidosis causes bacteria, yeast, pleomorphic virus, and fungus to take over and spark degenerative diseases like, diabetes, cancer, aids, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, and more. For instance, pancreatic cells become more cancerous and tumorigenic with high acid pH levels in the body.

Furthermore, another study from the Arizona Respiratory Center at the University of Arizona found, “Acidogenic diets, which are typically high in animal protein and salt and low in fruits and vegetables, can lead to a sub-clinical or low-grade state of metabolic acidosis.” These are just a handful of studies that show the unarguable link between acidity in the body and increased risk for cancer.

The human must maintain its own perfect pH level in order for its systems to function properly, and this includes keeping rogue cells from becoming metastatic disease, translating into cancerous tumors in multiple organs. Our ancestors didn’t eat in a way that upset this delicate balance in our bodies.


Fortunately, there are have ways to create a more alkaline state in the body.

1. Eating leafy greens help to alkalize the body.

2. Snacking on raw unsalted almonds offers the body natural alkaline-boosting minerals that we often lack like calcium and magnesium.

3. Exercising moves acidic waste out of the body faster. Staying active keeps us more alkaline.

4. Reducing refined sugars and red meat can also greatly boost alkalinity in the body.

While it may take more than one natural ‘cure’ to eliminate cancer completely, certainly changing one’s diet and lifestyle to boost a balanced pH level can help prevent disease.

Your PH level can easily be increased by using the natural mineral water Amrita because there is no time to eat right food and exercise at our level of stressful and busy life, especially in big cities.

Azel Global Europa

Kolonnvägen 20, 169 71 Solna

Phone: +65 94825621
